Victorian Audit of Surgical Mortality Evaluation

Victorian Audit of Surgical Mortality Evaluation

The Objective This project involved a formative evaluation of Victorian Audit of Surgical Mortality (VASM) by assessing its performance against re-contracted requirements, ensure alignment with reporting obligations, assessment of key performance indicators, and a review of processes for maximising data quality and implementing continuous quality improvement to meet the needs of key stakeholders. Our Approach…

Tumour Summits Review

Tumour Summits Review

The Objective The Victorian Tumour Summits (VTS) program is an initiative of the Victorian Integrated Cancer Services (VICS) and the Department of Health. Tumour summits are tumour-based forums at which clinicians present evidence of unwarranted variations in clinical practice and cancer outcomes. The main objective of the evaluation was to establish the extent to which…

Medical Treatment Overseas Program

Medical Treatment Overseas Program

The Objective The Medical Treatment Overseas Program (MTOP) is a funding program for individual Australians who have life-threatening conditions where treatment is not available in Australia. Eligible patients are supported to seek treatment, where available in another country and where the treatment is accepted by the Australian medical profession as a standard form of treatment…

STEPMI evaluation

STEPMI evaluation

The Objective The aim of this project was to undertake an evaluation of STEPMI (Services and Treatment for Enduring and Persistent Mental Illness)services in Western Victoria to examine the delivery of services, the impact and effi ciency of the model, to identify gaps within the service delivery arrangements and to recommend enhancement opportunities. Our Approach…